Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Quick Nutrition Facts

The next time you offer your pet "people" food think about these facts:
  • Only 1 ounce of cheddar cheese for a 20 pound dog has the same number of calories as 2 1/2 hamburgers or 1 1/2 chocolate bars do for a person
  • Do you know that for a 10 pound cat, 1 cup of milk has the same number of calories as 4 1/2 hamburgers or 5 chocolate bars do for a person?
  • For a 20 pound dog, eating just 1 hot dog is the same as a person consuming 3 entire hamburgers or 2 whole chocolate bars.
  • If a 10 pound cat ate just 1 ounce of cheddar cheese it would be the same as if a person ate 3 1/2 hamburgers or 4 whole chocolate bars.
There are "people" food treats you can give your pet without having to worry about making your pet overweight:
  • Apples
  • Carrots
  • Bananas
  • Green Beans
  • Rice Cakes
  • Deli Meat (small pieces, turkey or chicken)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Help Us Keep Your Pet Safe

If your pet is on prescription medication you might be wondering why periodic blood work and/or monitoring has to occur. Monitoring helps ensure lasting effectiveness and safety. We can catch adverse reactions sooner. Regular monitoring can guide us as we evaluate your pet for any side effects, potential complications and/or interactions with other drugs. If needed, we can make adjustments to keep your pet comfortable and to properly treat his/her condition. It may help us unmask hidden diseases. By testing your pet, we may uncover a hidden ailment or condition that requires attention or alters our recommended course of treatment. We can establish a baseline picture of your pet's health. When we know what's "normal" for your pet, we can determine when changes in your pet indicate areas of concern. This helps us evaluate the treatment plan and make adjustments as necessary. It can help us keep an eye on your pet's pre-existing conditions. Pets with certain conditions may respond differently to medications. By monitoring a pet with a chronic or notable health condition, we can watch for implications of the new medication and make adjustments if necessary. It helps us prescribe the proper medication. Every pet is different and may react differently to medications. We want to make sure your pet's medication is right for its age, size, breed and physical condition.

Hidden Health Problems-We may screen for some of the following conditions in determining your pet's health status.

Tests can indicate:
  • Liver disease
  • Cushing's syndrome
  • Abnormalities resulting from long-term medications
Tests can indicate:
  • Kidney disease
  • Renal failure
  • Abnormalities resulting from long-term medications
Urinalysis and urine protein:creatinine ratio are used to better evaluate:
  • Kidney function
  • Kidney infection
Tests can indicate:
  • Pancreatitis
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Abnormalities resulting from long-term medications
CBC/Hematocrit are used to screen for:
  • Infection
  • Leukemia
  • Anemia (low red blood cells)
Dental exams uncover mouth infections, which can cause problems with vital organs.

Tests can indicate hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.

Tests can indicate heartworm disease.

Generally, if your pet is on medications for any of the following conditions monitoring is required:
  • Arthritis
  • Heart Disease
  • Allergies
  • Epilepsy/Seizure
  • Hypothyroid/Hyperthyroid

Friday, January 15, 2010

Your Cat May Be At Risk

Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukemia virus (FELV) are leading causes of illness and death in cats. FIV is the feline form of HIV. FIV only infects cats and is not transmissible to people. Both viruses affect cats in similar ways, and both can be deadly. Simply put, all cats are at risk. Even "indoor" cats should be tested to rule out the possibility of infection.

The American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) urges all cat owners to have their cats tested for FIV and FELV, especially at-risk cats, sick cats and kittens. Early detection of infection will enable you to manage the disease, maintain the health of your cat, and will also help prevent the spread of infection to other cats.

What are the dangers of FIV and FELV?
  • Found in every region of the United States
  • Highly contagious
  • Transmitted from cat to cat
  • Can be fatal
  • Few outward signs, and no "sure" signs
  • Associated with illness and death of more cats that any other disease
  • Weaken a cat's immune system
What are the risk factors?
  • Fighting
  • Time outdoors
  • Contact with other cats (boarding, screen windows open in summer time)
  • Newly adopted
  • Sickness
Without testing, there is no way to know whether your cat is infected. Without a diagnosis, your cat cannot be treated properly. If you do not know the status of your cat, it may carry and possibly spread the disease to other cats.

What are the signs?
There are no "sure" signs of either disease. In some cats, signs don't appear for weeks, months or even years after they are infected.

Infected cats can show any of these signs
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Weight loss
  • Weakness
  • Bite wounds
  • Infected wounds
  • Not drinking water
  • Fever
  • Bleeding or pale gums
  • Behavioral changes
  • Grooming changes
  • Dull or matted coat
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Mouth sores
What if my cat does have these diseases?
You and your veterinarian will have to carefully assess the health of the cat and develop a management plan to keep the infection down.

31 million cats are at risk for FIV each year and only 11% of cats at risk for FIV/FELV are tested.

If you answer yes to any of the below questions, consider having your cat tested:
  • Has your cat had a bite wound?
  • Has your cat been outside for even a brief period of time?
  • Has your cat been exposed to any other cat whose status is unknown?
Cats are tested for FIV/FELV with a simple blood test that takes 20 minutes to run.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Pets Age Faster Than People

Does your pet act its age? Pets age seven times faster, on average, than people. Most dogs and cats reach adulthood by age two. By age four, many pets are entering middle age. And by age seven, most dogs, particularly large breeds, are entering their senior years. Because dogs and cats age so rapidly, major health changes can occur in a short amount of time. The risk of dental disease, heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, arthritis and cancer all increase with age. Many of these diseases and conditions can worsen within a matter of weeks. Even pets that appear normal can have an underlying problem that may only be detected during an examination by your veterinarian. Because dogs and cats age so rapidly, they should receive an annual wellness exam.

Important information for cat owners:
There are more than 90 million cats in the U.S., or about 20 percent more cats than dogs. However, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association, cats are brought to the veterinarian only about half as often as dogs. Some veterinarians believe cats hide illness better than dogs, and many times owners may not realize there is a problem. Behavioral changes can be early signs of illness in both cats and dogs. These changes are often less obvious in cats. Cat owners may not notice subtle changes in appetite, elimination or other behavior until an illness is advanced. The risk of cancer, periodontal disease, obesity, kidney disease, thyroid disease and diabetes increases with age in cats. In addition to bringing your cat to the veterinarian for a wellness exam, pay close attention to changes in you pet's weight, food and water consumption, elimination, grooming and other behavior. Your ability to perceive and respond to subtle changes can make a big difference in the life and health of your cat.

Learn more here,

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Pet Food and Supply Drive A Success!!!

A big thank you to everyone who helped us collect pet food and supplies. With your help we collected 224.5 pounds of pet food and numerous toys, leashes, beds and treats. The donated items were sent to Greater Lansing Food Bank, who then distributed them to area residents in need. Given the success of the pet food and supply drive we are going to continue this effort year round. You may drop off items at any time or provide a monetary contribution and we will purchase food through our distributors. Thank you again for making this such a huge success!!!

The only item we cannot except is an opened bag of food.

Diabetes Awareness

Just like humans, pets are susceptible to Diabetes. Diabetes mellitus is a condition that develops when your pet cannot use sugar (glucose) effectively and control the sugar level in the blood. Insulin, which is made in pancreas, is essential for regulating the use and storage of blood glucose. Insufficient insulin production is potentially life threatening.

There are two types of diabetes, and although there is no cure, pets with either type can be successfully managed through nutrition, exercise and insulin medication. What causes diabetes? A reduction in insulin production is usually caused by damage to the pancreas. In some pets hormonal changes or medications can reduce the effect of insulin. Other factors that increase the chance of your pet developing diabetes include:
  1. Body Condition: Overweight cats and dogs are more likely to develop diabetes. Severely obese cats are most at risk.
  2. Age: Pets can develop diabetes at any age, but the peak onset is around 8 years.
  3. Breed: Some breeds of dogs such as, Samoyeds, Miniature Schnauzers, Miniature Poodles and Bichon Frise are more predisposed to diabetes than others. In cats, Burmese are more at risk than other breeds.
The key to keeping a diabetic pet healthy is routine feeding, exercise and insulin medication at the same times each day. This helps maintain stable blood glucose levels.

Does my pets have diabetes? The signs of diabetes are difficult to recognize because they are similar to those of other disorders. If you notice any of the following, consult your veterinarian:
  • Increased thirst
  • Cataracts (in dogs)
  • Urinates more often (noted in cats by 'clumping' in the litter box and the need to change litter more often)
  • Weight loss
  • Doesn't eat
  • Tired, lack of energy
  • Vomiting
Once diabetes is diagnosed, it is important that your pet is regularly monitored. Glucose levels are checked regularly and adjustments often occur frequently at the onset of treatment. Once your pet is diagnosed with diabetes, treatment occurs for the rest of your pet's life.