Just like people, pets develop joint pain and stiffness as the age. The good news is they do not have to live the rest of their life in discomfort. One medication we recommend for joint support is Chondro-Flex (Dasuquin).
What causes joint pain and inflammation?
Cartilage provides a smooth, friction-free surface for opposing ends of joint bones. Cartilage, synovial fluid and underlying bones protect bones from each other and absorb shock as your pet moves, enabling flexible joints. Cartilage continually manufactures and maintains itself with its own specialized cells. Blood does not carry nutrients to cartilage; they enter from surrounding tissue and are carried by the synovial fluid. These nutrients are necessary for healthy cartilage production.
To view pictures of healthy joints and the process of deteriorating click
Age, injury, and risk factors such as obesity, size, activity and genetics may cause cartilage and tissue breakdown. When cartilage breaks down faster than it can reproduce itself, your pet may experience inflammation and great discomfort. Damaged tissue allows white blood cells to invade and release enzymes and free radicals, further deteriorating the joint. Enzymes also cause the synovial fluid to become watery and lose its lubricating capacity. The synovial fluid is less able to nourish the cartilage. This degeneration process spirals. Decreased activity and muscle atrophy result, making the problem worse.
What is Chondro-Flex (Dasuqin)?
Chondro-Flex (Dasuquin) Joint Care formulas were designed to provide maximum joint support for dogs, cats and horses with pain and joint stiffness associated with normal daily exercise and activities. They can effectively support connective tissue maintenance including joints, synovial fluid, tendons, ligaments and cartilage.
How do I know if my pet needs Chondro-Flex (Dasuqin)?
Optimal functioning of the joints (hip, shoulder, elbow, hock and stifle) dramatically affects your pet's mobility and activity level. Recent studies show joint pains and stiffness affects more than eight million adult pets in the United States which is often the first sign that owners mistake as part of the natural aging process. Activities such as standing up or walking stairs can become difficult, especially in older and larger pets. Early action is the best action. Regular check-ups with your veterinarian are the best way to monitor your pet's aging process. Have your animal examined if you notice limping, stiffness or a change in gait.
How does Chondro-Flex (Dasuqin) work?
Chondro-Flex (Dasuqin) acts as a 1-2-3 punch to help support and maintain healthy cartilage. Chondro-Flex (Dasuqin) is complete with Glucosamine HCI, low-molecular-weight Chondroitin Sulfate and Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM). Low molecular weight means the particles are smaller and more easily absorbed by the body. It is one of the most pure forms available.
Glucosamine HCI is a major building block of cartilage. It also makes up 50% of the natural lubricant found in synovial fluid. By supplementing naturally present Glucosamine, the body is able to facilitate the manufacture and maintenance of cartilage, and helps restore lubricant in the synovial fluid. Synovial fluid then regains the ability to carry nutrients to rebuild cartilage, insulate bones from friction and cushion the joint.
Chondroitin Sulfate blocks the enzymes that break down cartilage and dilute the synovial fluid. Chondroitin and sulfurs also are key components for lubrication in the joints.
MSM is a natural anti-inflammatory, noted for its exceptionally non-toxic nature. MSM supplies dietary sulfur necessary for collagen production, which helps form bones, tendons and connective tissue.
Why do we recommend Chondroflex (Dasuqin)?
- Safe and effective
- Correct balance between all ingredients
- Specifically made for animals
- Tested to ensure the correct ingredients are in the product (Not all supplements are tested)
- Economical
- We use it for our own animals