- Keep all holiday treats: chocolate, nuts, candy, baked goods, out of your pet’s reach
- Put non breakable ornaments on the lower 2 feet of your tree. Kitties and puppies will think ornaments are toys.
- No poinsettias, they are toxic.
- Even a small amount of leftovers can make your pet extremely ill.
- Make sure your pet has an escape area from company in case they get over whelmed.
- Give your pet their usual treats. Too many or new treats can cause severe intestinal upset.
- Cats may drink from your tree stand so avoid treating the water.
- No tinsel, cats and dogs love to eat it.
- When salting your driveway or sidewalk use pet safe product.
- Consider donating to our local shelters, many more pets are being abandoned then ever before.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Holiday Tips to Keep Your Pet Healthy
Friday, December 10, 2010
Canine Vaccination Series: The facts about Infectious Canine Hepatitis
Your dog can contract CAV-1 virus through direct contact with
infected saliva, urine, or feces either with your dog’s mouth or nose. Even a dog dish that has been licked clean can carry the virus. The tonsils and lymph nodes are the first body parts effected. The incubation period can last 4-9 days, after which the virus enters the bloodstream.
Your dog receives protection against infectious canine hepatitis when they receive their annual canine distemper combo vaccine. Part of the combo include infectious canine hepatitis. This is given once a year and occurs with their physical.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Canine Vaccination Series: The facts about Distemper
Friday, November 19, 2010
Toxic Foods
FDA Issues Consumer Alert of Online Pharmacies
Friday, September 24, 2010
Quick Checklist for Traveling with Your Pet
- Make sure your pet is comfortable with travel.
- Make sure your pet has identification tags with up-to-date information.
- If your pet does not have a microchip, have one implanted before traveling. Microchips secure your chances of getting your pet back if it ever becomes lost.
- If you are taking your pet across state or international borders, a health certificate is required.
- Make sure your pet's vaccinations are up-to-date.
- Make sure your pet is allowed where you are staying.
- Have a first aid kit on hand in case any injury occurs. This is especially important if you are going to be in a more remote location.
- If your pet does have any health issues make sure you have enough medication for the duration of your trip.
- Bring a kennel with you in case you need a secure area for your pet to stay.
- Bring items from home to ease your pet's behavior (bed, toys, etc.).
Friday, September 17, 2010
10 Things to Think About Before Breeding
- Is your pet parasite free? No fleas, ticks, ear mites, internal parasites and heartwormed tested negative.
- How old is your pet? Breeding age is between 2 and 6 years old.
- Are you prepared financially to care for all offspring from birth to death if you cannot find appropriate homes?
- Are you prepared for the behavior changes that may happen?
- Is your pet a good representation of its breed? No confirmation defects, like height, hair color, etc.
- Is your pet certified clear of breed specific genetic problems by a veterinarian? X-ray'd for hip dysplasia, thyroid negative, eyes clear, heart clear, tested for any bleeding disorders.
- Is your pet current on all vaccinations?
- Are you prepared financially to care for a pregnant animal? Pets cannot always conceive naturally and many times c-sections are needed.
- Do you have the space to provide a birthing area and nursery for the offspring to grow? We do not recommend birthing and raising offspring outside. There are too many risk factors.
- Do you have buyers lined up prior to birth?
Friday, September 10, 2010
What's so great about joint supplement?
What causes joint pain and inflammation?
Cartilage provides a smooth, friction-free surface for opposing ends of joint bones. Cartilage, synovial fluid and underlying bones protect bones from each other and absorb shock as your pet moves, enabling flexible joints. Cartilage continually manufactures and maintains itself with its own specialized cells. Blood does not carry nutrients to cartilage; they enter from surrounding tissue and are carried by the synovial fluid. These nutrients are necessary for healthy cartilage production.
To view pictures of healthy joints and the process of deteriorating click here.
Age, injury, and risk factors such as obesity, size, activity and genetics may cause cartilage and tissue breakdown. When cartilage breaks down faster than it can reproduce itself, your pet may experience inflammation and great discomfort. Damaged tissue allows white blood cells to invade and release enzymes and free radicals, further deteriorating the joint. Enzymes also cause the synovial fluid to become watery and lose its lubricating capacity. The synovial fluid is less able to nourish the cartilage. This degeneration process spirals. Decreased activity and muscle atrophy result, making the problem worse.
What is Chondro-Flex (Dasuqin)?
Chondro-Flex (Dasuquin) Joint Care formulas were designed to provide maximum joint support for dogs, cats and horses with pain and joint stiffness associated with normal daily exercise and activities. They can effectively support connective tissue maintenance including joints, synovial fluid, tendons, ligaments and cartilage.
How do I know if my pet needs Chondro-Flex (Dasuqin)?
Optimal functioning of the joints (hip, shoulder, elbow, hock and stifle) dramatically affects your pet's mobility and activity level. Recent studies show joint pains and stiffness affects more than eight million adult pets in the United States which is often the first sign that owners mistake as part of the natural aging process. Activities such as standing up or walking stairs can become difficult, especially in older and larger pets. Early action is the best action. Regular check-ups with your veterinarian are the best way to monitor your pet's aging process. Have your animal examined if you notice limping, stiffness or a change in gait.
How does Chondro-Flex (Dasuqin) work?
Chondro-Flex (Dasuqin) acts as a 1-2-3 punch to help support and maintain healthy cartilage. Chondro-Flex (Dasuqin) is complete with Glucosamine HCI, low-molecular-weight Chondroitin Sulfate and Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM). Low molecular weight means the particles are smaller and more easily absorbed by the body. It is one of the most pure forms available.
Glucosamine HCI is a major building block of cartilage. It also makes up 50% of the natural lubricant found in synovial fluid. By supplementing naturally present Glucosamine, the body is able to facilitate the manufacture and maintenance of cartilage, and helps restore lubricant in the synovial fluid. Synovial fluid then regains the ability to carry nutrients to rebuild cartilage, insulate bones from friction and cushion the joint.
Chondroitin Sulfate blocks the enzymes that break down cartilage and dilute the synovial fluid. Chondroitin and sulfurs also are key components for lubrication in the joints.
MSM is a natural anti-inflammatory, noted for its exceptionally non-toxic nature. MSM supplies dietary sulfur necessary for collagen production, which helps form bones, tendons and connective tissue.
Why do we recommend Chondroflex (Dasuqin)?
- Safe and effective
- Correct balance between all ingredients
- Specifically made for animals
- Tested to ensure the correct ingredients are in the product (Not all supplements are tested)
- Economical
- We use it for our own animals
Friday, September 3, 2010
Pet Loss...How Do I Know When It Is Time
What should I do?
Your relationship with your pet is special, and you are responsible for its care and welfare. Eventually, many owners are faced with making life or death decisions for their pets. Such a decision may become necessary for the welfare of the animal and for you and your family.
A decision concerning euthanasia may be one of the most difficult decisions you will ever make regarding your pet. Your decision is a personal one, but it need not be a solitary one. Your veterinarian and your family and friends can assist and support you. Consider not only what is best for your pet, but also what is best for you and your family. Quality of life is important for pets and people alike.
How will I know when?
If your pet can no longer do with you and your family the things he or she once enjoyed, if your pet cannot respond to you in the usual ways, or if there is more pain than pleasure in his or her life, you may need to consider euthanasia. Likewise, if your pet is terminally ill or critically injured, or if the financial or emotional cost of treatment is beyond your means, euthanasia may be a valid option.
Your veterinarian understands attachment to pets, and can examine and evaluate your pet's condition, estimate your pet's chances for recovery, and discuss potential disabilities and long-term problems. He or she can explain the medical options and possible outcomes. Because your veterinarian cannot make the euthanasia decision for you, it is important that you fully understand your pet's condition. If there is any part of the diagnosis or the implications for your pet's future that you don't understand, ask to have it explained again. Rarely will the situation require an immediate decision. Usually, you will have time to review the facts before making your decision.
As you make your decision, you may wish to discuss the care of the remains of your pet's body with your family and veterinarian. You have several options, and your veterinarian can provide information about burial, cremation, or other alternatives.
Reference: www.avma.org
Friday, August 20, 2010
Allergy Alert!
Other signs to look for:
- Pustules on the skin
- Red and irritated feet
- Flaky, dry skin
- Red skin
- Waxy and or red ears
- Hair loss
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Tips for Finding a Lost Pet
Paterno and Jersey were lucky. Jersey wasn't wearing a collar, so she had no tag. She also didn't have a microchip, which would have identified her if she had ended up at a shelter or veterinary clinic with a microchip scanner.
But Paterno otherwise did the right thing, experts say. She acted quickly and covered a lot of ground in her search.
WebMD asked experts for more tips on the best way to find a lost pet. Here's what they said.
Don't Wait
Start your search right away."Get out immediately and start shouting and making a lot of noise," says Emily Weiss, PhD, senior director of shelter research and development for the ASPCA. "The simple 'lost' posters are often good ways to get the word out, knocking on doors, waving down cars... most dogs and cats stay fairly close to where they were originally lost."
Some shelters will euthanize untagged animals, especially cats, between 48 and 72 hours, depending on the hold period, she says.
Read the rest of the article, Tips for Finding a Lost Pet.
Friday, July 23, 2010
When the Fur Flies: Pet Deshedding Tools
Another handy deshedding tool that we highly recommend is a Furminator. To learn more about Furminators, click here. Furminators work great on dogs and cats. The best part is Furminators don't pull and rip the hair out which makes it a lot easier to groom your pet.
Friday, June 18, 2010
The Dangers of High Temperatures
Tips to keep your pet cool:
- If you have air conditioning leave it on while at work.
- If you don't have air conditioning make sure you have open windows and fans to circulate the air.
- Restrict your pet's activity level especially for older pets.
- Make sure your pet has plenty of access to water.
- Don't leave your pet in the car! Within a matter of minutes a car's internal temperature can escalate well above the outside temperature.
- If you leave your dog outside while away from home make sure they have access to shade and water. With high temperatures dogs cannot be outside for an entire work day.
Pets Highly Susceptible to High Temps:
- Older Pets (8 years of age and older)
- Dogs with smooshed in faces: Pugs, Boxers, Sharpeis, Bulldogs, Mastiffs, etc.
Signs of Heat Exhaustion:
- Bright red gums & skin
- Excessive panting
- Lethargy
- Vomiting
- Feet become sweaty
- Will lay stretched out for long periods of time
- Rapid heart and respiratory rates
If your pet appears to exihibt signs of heat exhaustion they should be see by a veterinarian right away. Prolonged heat exhaustion can result in death.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
3 Spring Toxins to Watch For
Daffodils contain lycorine, which triggers vomiting. Ingestion of the bulb, plant, or flower also can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, and possibly even cardiac arrhythmias or respiratory depression in pets. Severe symptoms may require immediate treatment.
2. Lilies
True lilies, including Tiger, Day, Asiatic, Easter, and Japanese Show lilies, are all highly toxic to cats. Even small ingestions (such as eating the pollen or just two to three petals or leaves) can result in kidney failure and potentially death. If you see a cat eating a lily, immediately bring the cat and the lily plant to our clinic.
3. Fertilizers
Ingesting most only causes minor gastrointestinal irritation, but some fertilizers can be fatal to pets that eat them if the pets aren't treated. It is best to keep all lawn products in labeled, tightly sealed containers that are out of pets' reach. This is especially true for the more dangerous fertilizers:
- Blood meal. This is dried, ground, and flash-frozen blood. If eaten, it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and severe inflammation of the pancreas.
- Bone meal. This is made of defatted, dried, and flash-frozen animal bones that are ground to a powder. If consumed in large amounts, bone meal can form a large, cement-like mass that obstructs the gastrointestinal tract and could potentially require surgery.
- Rose and plant fertilizers. Some of these fertilizers contain disulfoton or other types of organophosphates. As little as one teaspoon of 1 percent disulfoton can kill a 55-pound dog. Organophosphates can cause severe symptoms, such as salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation, seizures, difficulty breathing, hyperthermia, and even death.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Most Pets Do Not Show Dental Pain
Friday, May 21, 2010
Interaction is Key!
Do you ever wonder if your pet is bored? Interactive toys are a great way to provide stimulation for your pet, including: maintaining a healthy weight, providing mental exercise and all around helping your pet behave better. Dogs especially can develop obnoxious and destructive habits if not provided with an outlet for energy.
Here are some great toys to keep your pet entertained:
Puzzle toys: these toys make your pet think in order to find a treat or another toy, click on this website for some examples, www.pawlickers.com/products/toys/puzzles-games.
Chew Toys: these toys will allow your pet to chew for hours. Kong Company is a great resource for this type of toy, www.kongcompany.com/worlds_best.html. Busy Buddy Company is another good resource, www.busybuddytoys.com/index.cfm.
Cat Fly Toys: these toys bring out the natural predator in your kitty. Fly toys are designed to get your cat leaping in the air for their "prey."
The key to keeping your pet active is interaction from you and a favorite toy or game. Experiment, find out what it is your pet likes to do best and provide that stimulation on a daily basis.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Mistakes People Make Feeding Cats
Friday, May 7, 2010
All About Ticks
To view a map of tick prevalence visit this site, http://www.dogsandticks.com/NA-map-lyme-disease-dogs/index.html.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
The Facts About Heartworm Disease
Heartworm disease is caused by a worm called "Dirofilaria immitis." Heartworms are most commonly found in dogs. However, they can infect a wide variety of mammals including cats, ferrets, sea lions, bears, foxes, wolves, coyotes, and even people. Adult heartworms generally live in the heart and major arteries of the lungs, although they may be found in other areas of the body.
How are heartworms transmitted?
Heartworms can only be transmitted from one animal to another by mosquitoes. Adult worms produce microfilariae (small, immature heartworms) which may be found in the blood of infected dogs. The mosquito ingests heartworm microfilarie when biting an infected host (usually a dog). The microfilarie develop in the mosquito into "infective larvae" and are deposited with saliva on the dog's skin as the mosquito is feeding. The infective larvae pass through the skin and migrate through the body tissues.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Proin Can Help
This disorder can occur in male and female dogs of any age or breed, but is most common to spayed females. Obesity has also been associated with the problem.
The leaking associated with urinary incontinence can be distressing to both you and your pet. An unpleasant odor can develop. Dermatitis, urine scalding, infection around the animal's urethra or vulva, and other health problems can develop.
Urinary incontinence is a fairly common problem that luckily has a treatment available. Phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride (ppa), the active ingredient in Proin, is an alpha agonist drug treatment. It has been proven to be highly effective in the treatment of urinary incontinence in dogs. Proin has few or no side effects. Proin stimulates the neuromuscular receptors of the urethral muscles, aiding in the tightening of the sphincter, which prevents the leaking of urine.
Most of the time you will notice urinary incontinence when your dog sleeps or after he/she gets up from laying down. It can vary from large quantities to small spots of urine. If you ever notice any symptoms of incontinence call us right away. This condition requires treatment not punishment.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Pet Symptoms: 6 Signs of Illness in Your Dog or Cat
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Wondering how animals in Haiti have been affected?
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Itchiness, Desire to Scratch, Chew or Lick Causing Inflamed Skin in Dogs | PetMD
Itchiness, Desire to Scratch, Chew or Lick Causing Inflamed Skin in Dogs | PetMD
Friday, February 19, 2010
Keep Your Pet Healthy And Happy
Friday, February 12, 2010
Protect Your Dog From a Common Respiratory Disease
What causes ITB? ITB can be caused by various viruses and bacteria acting alone or in combination. These include:
- Bordetella bronchiseptica, the bacteria most often isolated in dogs with ITB
- Canine parainfluenza virus
- Canine adenovirus-2
Is your dog at risk?
- ITB is easily transmitted when dogs cough or come in contact with each other or with contaminated premises.
- Most dogs have not been vaccinated for Bordetella and could potentially be carriers of ITB.
- Puppies are at a greater risk of Bordetella infection because they have not been vaccinated or previously exposed.
- Dog lives in a multi-dog household (introduce new dog or friends/relatives bring dogs over to visit)
- Free access to unmonitored outdoor activity (ITB often gets passed from "neighbor dogs")
- Visits to dog parks
- Often kenneled for boarding or grooming, or commercially transported (airplane, etc)
- Chronic heart or lung disease
- Attending dog training classes
- Severe ITB can lead to prolonged or chronic bronchial disease and pneumonia
- Even after recovery from ITB, dogs take weeks or even months to clear Bordetella organisms from their respiratory tracts
- Dogs with ITB may experience spasmodic coughing
- ITB is a disease of inconvenience that deprives dogs (and owners) of sleep, limits activity and may require treatment with antibiotics and cough-suppressant drugs
- If your dog is at risk of ITB (see risk factors above) then we recommend administering the Bordetella vaccine
- If you have any questions about whether or not your dog is at risk please call our office
Friday, February 5, 2010
February is Dental Awareness Month: Pets Need Dental Care Too
February is dental prevention month. Stop by and pick up your sample dental kit!!!
You can also enter to win a free dental kit! We will draw 2 names a week to win a free dental kit ($30 value).
Dental kits contain: CET toothpaste, CET dental chews or Tartar Control treats for cats and Biotene plaque removing drinking water additive (odorless & tasteless).
All of the above products are easy to use and require minimal work. The best part is, you don't even have to brush your pet's teeth!
Dental kits are available for purchase. The cost of a Dental Kit is $30.00. Those who purchase Dental Kits will receive a free one after 10 purchases! Even better, Willoughby Pet Clinic will donate a portion of the Dental Kit proceeds to local animal welfare organizations.
The kit should last a month to two months depending on how often the products are used.
Dental disease affects both dogs and cats! The good news is, dental disease is preventable. If gone untreated dental disease can result in tooth loss, jaw bone damage, gum disease, organ damage and infection throughout the body.
For a DOLLAR a day you can prevent dental disease in your furry friend! Ask us how...we are here to help.
Also, anyone who schedules a dental in the month of February will automatically be entered into a drawing to win 20% off a ROUTINE CLEANING!
If you are not sure if your pet needs a dental cleaning please call and ask. We would be happy to help you.
Please note, if you cancel/reschedule your dental after it is scheduled you forfeit your opportunity to win 20% off.
Our goal for 2010 is to get more of our clients preventing dental disease in their pets!
We want all of our patients free of dental disease. After all it is preventable!
Are Pets Supposed to Have Bad Breath?
The answer is no. One of the most common problems we see with pets is gingivitis. Just like humans, pets can get gingivitis, which leads to tooth decay. Bad breath is more than just a nuisance to you. It's an indication that your pet's teeth need attention. As tartar builds, it irritates the gums and leads to bad breath. It could also be a sign of periodontal disease---a condition that has been linked to heart, kidney and liver problems. Ultimately a shorter lifespan for your pet.
Important Terms to Know:
The structures that support the tooth.
Gingiva (gums)
Soft tissues that cover the bones surrounding the teeth.
Tissue that attaches the tooth root to the periodontal ligament.
A film of bacteria that forms on teeth daily, leading to gingivitis and periodontal disease.
Calculus (tartar)
Mineralized, crusty deposits that irritate gums when plaque is not removed.
Periodontal Disease
Painful oral disease that can lead to tooth loss and organ disease.
Inflammation of the gingiva.
Inflammation and disease of the tooth support tissues.
85% of all dogs over one year of age have some degree of periodontal disease, but only 3% get treated.
72% of all cats older than five years have at least one painful FORL (feline ondoclastic resorptive lesions). They can be likened to a cavity and are extremely painful.
Dogs are diagnosed with dental disease more than any other affliction.
Studies show that 70 percent of cats show signs of gum disease (gingivitis) by age three. Symptoms include yellow and brown build-up of tartar along the gum line, red inflammed gums and persistent bad breath.
Signs & Symptoms of Poor Oral Health
- Persistent bad breath
- Sensitivity around the mouth
- Pawing at the mouth
- Loss of appetite
- Plaque
- Bleeding, inflamed, or receded gums
- Loose or missing teeth
- Difficulty eating and chewing food
- Chronic licking
What can you do?
Brush your pet's teeth daily with approved pet toothpaste. If using a toothbrush is too difficult simply apply the toothpaste on their teeth with your finger. You can also put the toothpaste inside a kong or on a bone. The important part to remember is getting the toothpaste on their teeth and gums.
Use a plaque removing drinking water additive. This can be added to their water and consumed daily. It helps to reduce plaque and provides an easy way to keep their teeth healthy.
Provide dental chews and bones for your pet. CET chews are a great product. They are made for dogs and cats. CET chews are infused with enzymes that reduce tartar and plaque buildup.
OraVet plaque prevention gel can be applied to your pets gum line weekly. Typically this is applied after your pet has had OraVet applied as a sealant during a dental. OraVet works to reduce bacteria that can cause bad breath and help extend the time between cleanings. Applying OraVet takes less than 60 seconds. OraVet is completely odorless, tasteless and invisible once applied.
Routine dental cleanings will also make a dramatic difference in your pet's oral health. Typically between the age of 3 to 5 years pets will need their first dental cleaning. This can be established at the time of their yearly physical exam. Some pets will need routine cleanings once a year; some needs it every 6 months. Establishing a routine of consistent cleanings will make a huge difference down the road! We have found that owners who routinely have their pet's teeth cleaned from an early age on, are less likely to need tooth extractions due to severe periodontal disease. Ultimately, without all the plaque, calculus and bacteria build up your pet will experience fewer complications of the liver, kidneys and heart as they age. This means a longer, healthier lifespan for your furry companion!
If you have any questions about providing oral hygiene for your pet please let us know!
We do carry pet safe toothpaste, drinking water additives and dental chews! Of course we have Dental Kits!
Will you protect your pet's mouth?
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Quick Nutrition Facts
- Only 1 ounce of cheddar cheese for a 20 pound dog has the same number of calories as 2 1/2 hamburgers or 1 1/2 chocolate bars do for a person
- Do you know that for a 10 pound cat, 1 cup of milk has the same number of calories as 4 1/2 hamburgers or 5 chocolate bars do for a person?
- For a 20 pound dog, eating just 1 hot dog is the same as a person consuming 3 entire hamburgers or 2 whole chocolate bars.
- If a 10 pound cat ate just 1 ounce of cheddar cheese it would be the same as if a person ate 3 1/2 hamburgers or 4 whole chocolate bars.
- Apples
- Carrots
- Bananas
- Green Beans
- Rice Cakes
- Deli Meat (small pieces, turkey or chicken)
Friday, January 22, 2010
Help Us Keep Your Pet Safe
Hidden Health Problems-We may screen for some of the following conditions in determining your pet's health status.
Tests can indicate:
- Liver disease
- Cushing's syndrome
- Abnormalities resulting from long-term medications
Tests can indicate:
- Kidney disease
- Renal failure
- Abnormalities resulting from long-term medications
- Kidney function
- Kidney infection
Tests can indicate:
- Pancreatitis
- Diabetes mellitus
- Abnormalities resulting from long-term medications
CBC/Hematocrit are used to screen for:
- Infection
- Leukemia
- Anemia (low red blood cells)
Dental exams uncover mouth infections, which can cause problems with vital organs.
Tests can indicate hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
Tests can indicate heartworm disease.
Generally, if your pet is on medications for any of the following conditions monitoring is required:
- Arthritis
- Heart Disease
- Allergies
- Epilepsy/Seizure
- Hypothyroid/Hyperthyroid
Friday, January 15, 2010
Your Cat May Be At Risk
The American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) urges all cat owners to have their cats tested for FIV and FELV, especially at-risk cats, sick cats and kittens. Early detection of infection will enable you to manage the disease, maintain the health of your cat, and will also help prevent the spread of infection to other cats.
What are the dangers of FIV and FELV?
- Found in every region of the United States
- Highly contagious
- Transmitted from cat to cat
- Can be fatal
- Few outward signs, and no "sure" signs
- Associated with illness and death of more cats that any other disease
- Weaken a cat's immune system
- Fighting
- Time outdoors
- Contact with other cats (boarding, screen windows open in summer time)
- Newly adopted
- Sickness
What are the signs?
There are no "sure" signs of either disease. In some cats, signs don't appear for weeks, months or even years after they are infected.
Infected cats can show any of these signs
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Weight loss
- Weakness
- Bite wounds
- Infected wounds
- Not drinking water
- Fever
- Bleeding or pale gums
- Behavioral changes
- Grooming changes
- Dull or matted coat
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Mouth sores
You and your veterinarian will have to carefully assess the health of the cat and develop a management plan to keep the infection down.
31 million cats are at risk for FIV each year and only 11% of cats at risk for FIV/FELV are tested.
If you answer yes to any of the below questions, consider having your cat tested:
- Has your cat had a bite wound?
- Has your cat been outside for even a brief period of time?
- Has your cat been exposed to any other cat whose status is unknown?
Friday, January 8, 2010
Pets Age Faster Than People
Important information for cat owners:
There are more than 90 million cats in the U.S., or about 20 percent more cats than dogs. However, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association, cats are brought to the veterinarian only about half as often as dogs. Some veterinarians believe cats hide illness better than dogs, and many times owners may not realize there is a problem. Behavioral changes can be early signs of illness in both cats and dogs. These changes are often less obvious in cats. Cat owners may not notice subtle changes in appetite, elimination or other behavior until an illness is advanced. The risk of cancer, periodontal disease, obesity, kidney disease, thyroid disease and diabetes increases with age in cats. In addition to bringing your cat to the veterinarian for a wellness exam, pay close attention to changes in you pet's weight, food and water consumption, elimination, grooming and other behavior. Your ability to perceive and respond to subtle changes can make a big difference in the life and health of your cat.
Learn more here, www.NPWM.com
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Pet Food and Supply Drive A Success!!!
The only item we cannot except is an opened bag of food.
Diabetes Awareness
There are two types of diabetes, and although there is no cure, pets with either type can be successfully managed through nutrition, exercise and insulin medication. What causes diabetes? A reduction in insulin production is usually caused by damage to the pancreas. In some pets hormonal changes or medications can reduce the effect of insulin. Other factors that increase the chance of your pet developing diabetes include:
- Body Condition: Overweight cats and dogs are more likely to develop diabetes. Severely obese cats are most at risk.
- Age: Pets can develop diabetes at any age, but the peak onset is around 8 years.
- Breed: Some breeds of dogs such as, Samoyeds, Miniature Schnauzers, Miniature Poodles and Bichon Frise are more predisposed to diabetes than others. In cats, Burmese are more at risk than other breeds.
Does my pets have diabetes? The signs of diabetes are difficult to recognize because they are similar to those of other disorders. If you notice any of the following, consult your veterinarian:
- Increased thirst
- Cataracts (in dogs)
- Urinates more often (noted in cats by 'clumping' in the litter box and the need to change litter more often)
- Weight loss
- Doesn't eat
- Tired, lack of energy
- Vomiting