Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Facts About Heartworm Disease

What causes heartworm disease?

Heartworm disease is caused by a worm called "Dirofilaria immitis." Heartworms are most commonly found in dogs. However, they can infect a wide variety of mammals including cats, ferrets, sea lions, bears, foxes, wolves, coyotes, and even people. Adult heartworms generally live in the heart and major arteries of the lungs, although they may be found in other areas of the body.

How are heartworms transmitted?

Heartworms can only be transmitted from one animal to another by mosquitoes. Adult worms produce microfilariae (small, immature heartworms) which may be found in the blood of infected dogs. The mosquito ingests heartworm microfilarie when biting an infected host (usually a dog). The microfilarie develop in the mosquito into "infective larvae" and are deposited with saliva on the dog's skin as the mosquito is feeding. The infective larvae pass through the skin and migrate through the body tissues.

What are the signs of heartworm disease?
Many dogs infected with heartworms may not show any evidence of infection in the early stages. It can take 6-7 months for symptoms to even begin to appear. This is why prevention and heartworm testing are so important. Initially, dogs tend to develop cough and experience difficulty breathing. They may exhibit decreased tolerance to exercise, develop fainting episodes or suffer severe weight loss. Since the heart and lungs are affected, many of the clinical signs seen are typical of heart failure, pneumonia, or other debilitating disease. The severity and onset of clinical signs relate to three things: number of heartworms present, duration of the infection and the dog's response.
How do I know if my dog has heartworms?
You don't unless your dog is heartworm tested once a year preferably in April or May. Heartworm testing requires a small blood sample.

My dog rarely goes outside. Can it be infected with heartworms?
Heartworm infections have been reported in dogs that rarely go outside. If a mosquito carrying heartworm infective larvae enters the house, it can bite your dog and the larvae may infect your dog. In addition, most dogs have frequent short trips outside which mosquito bites may occur.
Heartworm Disease is Preventable
Many heartworm preventions are on the market. The product we recommend is Interceptor. Why do we recommend Interceptor? Interceptor is safe for all dog breeds, prevents heartworm disease, internal parasites, and is the product Dr. Nicol uses for her own pets. We do not recommend any products that Dr. Nicol wouldn't use on her own pets. Interceptor is given orally once a month in the form of a flavored tablet.
Take Heartworm Disease seriously. Make Sure your pet is tested once a year and on heartworm prevention. It is far easier to prevent heartworm disease than to treat it!

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